A dream within a dream

A dream within a dream.

I blinked once and I found myself
in front of some Viking goddess.
She was staring at me, right in to
 my eyes and paralyzing me.
My heart was beating so strong and deep
like never did before.
I have never felt so naked and unarmed.

I blinked again and I popped up
on some building rooftop.
A red sun was drawing into the sea
and the birds were going crazy
in circles right under my feet.
Then I felt my hand squeezed
 and found her face smiling and realized
that was her beautiful chaotic world.

I blinked for the last time and among
 blank sheets and golden hairs,
there was her face again,
still smiling and
still staring at me.

2 Comentarios

  1. Mark

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

    • Manuel Márquez

      Thanks for your support! 🙂


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